Inside Barron’s America’s Top Advisor Rankings

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A managing director and advisor for Merrill Lynch, Keefe Gorman possesses over 29 years of experience and is a certified financial planner with the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. Keefe Gorman’s work with Merrill Lynch and in the financial industry led him to receive a ranking among Barron’s 2013 and 2014 Top Advisors in New York.

Every year, Barron’s releases a revised listing of its America’s Top Advisor Rankings based on data provided by more than 4,000 top productive advisors around the world. It incorporates a number of factors into its rankings, including revenue produced for the firm, assets under management, and regulatory record. Additionally, the ranking examines the individual’s quality of work and philanthropic activities. Due to the unpredictable variables affecting investment success, Barron’s does not incorporate investment results as an explicit component in its rankings.

Barron’s lists individuals according to state and each list consists of exactly 100 advisors. In addition to providing each advisor’s rank for the current year, the list also displays his or her ranking during the previous year for comparison. Those marked with an N instead of a ranking did not make the previous year’s ranking.