Keefe Gorman – Safety Tips for Mountain Biking

Recognized as a successful financial services industry professional, Keefe Gorman has garnered numerous accolades and awards as a managing director of investments at Merrill Lynch, including distinction as one of the top 50 brokers in the country by Registered Representative magazine and as one of the top 100 financial advisors by Barron’s magazine. In his time away from Merrill Lynch, Keefe Gorman enjoys an active lifestyle as an avid skier and mountain biker.

Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind while mountain biking:

Maintain control—Whether it means slowing down or having to walk the bike along certain parts of the trail, it is important to maintain control of the bike’s speed and trajectory at all times. This is helpful in situations where one encounters an obstacle or unexpected twists and turns in the trail.

Proceed with caution—Especially on unfamiliar trails, one should always proceed with caution and ride slowly, particularly when rounding corners.

Wear the appropriate gear—In addition to wearing a helmet, mountain bikers should always wear appropriate gear that is both comfortable and protective. This includes glasses to protect the eyes, gloves to protect the hands, and padded shorts to ensure a smoother ride.